Monday 8
Asking the Hidden Questions Raised by Stem Cells: History, Philosophy, and Biology
Chair: Jason Robert
› 15:00 - 15:20 (20min)
› Amphi Physio
What's Surprising about Stem Cell Research?
Jane Maienschein  1@  
1 : Arizona State University  (ASU)  -  Website
School of Life Sciences 874501 Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-4501 -  United States

"Session: Asking the Hidden Questions Raised by Stem Cells: History, Philosophy, and Biology"
(Jane Maienschein, Melinda Fagan, Lucie Laplane, Michel Vervoort)
Even before 1998 brought human embryonic stem cell research and expanded
public awareness, stem cell research has generated surprising observations
and has challenged cherished assumptions. This talk will explore
historical examples of such challenges and will lay out key steps in stem
cell biology before 1998. At first, discoveries challenged understanding
of how development and differentiation work. Then new observations
undercut core assumptions about cell determination. And each new major
research innovation with stem cells adds to other research on embryos that
challenges social assumptions about what makes up an individual developing
organism. The history illuminates our understanding today and calls for a
different and more complex understanding of what an individual developing
embryo really is.

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