Monday 8
Towards a motricity approach in cognitive sciences
Chair: Bernardo Yanez
› 10:30 - 11:00 (30min)
› 214
The unification of the mind: a hypothesis
Jose Padua-Gabriel  1@  
1 : Institute of Philosophical Research- National Autonomous University of Mexico  (IIF-UNAM)  -  Website
Circuito Maestro Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad Universitaria,C.P. 04510, Coyoacán -  Mexico

"Towards a motricity approach in cognitive science" (Padua, González, Vergara, Gastélum, Argüelles, Yañez)


Traditionally, cognitive activity has been studied as an isolated entity: consciousness, perception, mental image, memory, representation or emotion; just to mention some, and they all seem as autonomous expressions, without considering that each one of them manifests and its experienced in different ways if a subject is awake or asleep, stressed or under the effect of meditation or hypnosis, all of these related to a particular motor state. 

This work proposes the definition of mental states as specific contexts that allow studying the differences in cognitive activity under each one of them. Those states are compound by physical parameters that are correlated in a situation: if a person's cardiac rhythm descends by the effects of meditation, it will do so in a conjunctively with his/her metabolic and respiratory rhythm and their cerebral behaviour. This compound variation, situated in a precise circumstance will give place to a type of consciousness, perception, memory and other specific activity. In this way all the characteristics that are present in cognition are determined by a mental state.

This work also refers to consciousness states. Consciousness as a cognitive activity should not be confused with a consciousness state: the former can be defined as the awareness in a situation while a consciousness state is the possibility in type and form of itself.

Finally, we have the construction of psychological states. These are the form of experience, its quality and representation.

This triad; mental, consciousness and psychological states relate and feed back to each other giving rise to mental principles.

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