Thursday 11
Ethical Issues Behind Human Practices (submitted papers)

› 17:40 - 18:00 (20min)
› 008
Body and Ren: Historical and Ethical Perspective on Organ Donation in China
Zhuran Li  1@  
1 : Departemt of Philosophy, Nanjing Normal University  (NJNU)

According to statics provided by Ministry of Health, there are only 1, 0000 out of 150, 0000 patients who can get organ transplantation and national organ donation rate is as extremely low as 0.03 per 100,000 persons. Based on stating the current situation of organ donation in China, the paper points out that the cultural-dimension cause of weak donation awareness roots in traditional Confucianism views on body, which attach symbolic importance to the completeness of human body. From historical and ethical perspective, the paper critically analyzes the relationship between body and Ren(仁),the ultimate traditional principle in interpersonal communication in modern society. By reevaluating and reinterpreting the view of body and the meaning of Ren in new age, the paper proposes an ethical approach to raise awareness of organ donation, in way of encouraging intrinsic value purists for united goodness in community.

Keywords:organ donation, Confucianism

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