Friday 12
Philosophical Anthropology II: Applications in Genomics, Human Evolution, and Addiction
Chair: Sara Franceschelli
› 11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
› 002
We-Intentionality, Being-in-the-World and Multi-Level Selection: Re-synthesizing an evolutionary account of anthropogenesis by way of the hominid ‘super-organism'.
Lenny Moss  1@  
1 : University of Exeter  -  Website

Double Session: Philosophical Anthropology I & II (Honenberger, Michelini, Davis; Moss, Blad, Wasmuth)

The return of multi-level selection theory as a robust and respectable approach in contemporary evolutionary theory opens up new possibilities for critically and synthetically bringing together, within a plausible evolutionary account, a myriad of empirical and phenomenological insights into ‘human nature' that did not and do not fit easily into a more narrow individual or gene-selectionist account. An expanded and re-tooled account of hominidization by way of the emergence of a ‘super-organism' will test itself against the philosophical anthropology of Gehlen, the existential phenomenology of Heidegger and the cognitive psychology of Tomasello. 


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